Investing Made Simple
The Simply Investing Dividend Podcast

Helping you save time, earn more, reduce your risk by investing confidently in the best dividend stocks


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The Simply Investing Dividend Podcast

Simply Investing Dividend Podcast Episode 16 - Interview with Henry Mah of Salary for Life

Episode 16: Dividend Income Investing with Henry Mah

- How Henry got started in dividend investing
- Why Henry does not focus on capital appreciation
- ETFs didn't provide the income Henry could get from owning individual stocks
- Henry's focus on income rather than growth
- Typical holding period for owning dividend stocks
- Avoiding cyclical stocks
- Henry only wanted to invest in stocks that he could own forever
- Why Henry is not interested in owning term deposits or bonds
- Why stock markets don't effect his income at all
- What effect the financial c…

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Simply Investing Dividend Podcast Episode 14 - 6 Key Benefits of Investing in Dividend Stocks

Episode 14: 6 Key Benefits of Investing in Dividend Stocks

In this episode you'll learn the six key benefits of investing in dividend stocks. I cover the following in this podcast:

- Dividends generate passive income for you
- Dividend stocks provide capital appreciation
- Dividend stocks provide diversification
- Dividend portfolio provides stability
- Dividend stocks provide tax advantages
- Dividends build your confidence and discipline

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Simply Investing Dividend Podcast Episode 12 - What to Do When the Dividend is Cut

Episode 12: What do You do When the Dividend is Cut?

In this episode you'll learn what to do when a dividend is reduced or eliminated. Should you sell or hold? Also covered in this podcast:

- What are dividends?
- What is dividend yield?
- How does a dividend cut impact you?
- Early warning sign a dividend reduction might occur
- What to do after a dividend is cut

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Simply Investing Dividend Podcast Episode 11 - How to Beat Inflation with Dividend Stocks

Episode 11: Learn How to Beat Inflation with Dividend Stocks

In this episode you'll learn how to beat inflation with dividend stocks. Also covered in this podcast:

- What are dividends?
- What is dividend yield?
- How much is current inflation?
- What's wrong with high inflation?
- Are savings accounts and term deposits enough?
- How dividend stocks can help (with 3 real-life examples)

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Simply Investing Dividend Podcast Episode 10 - How to Avoid Dividend Traps

Episode 10: How to Avoid Dividend Traps

In this episode you'll learn what is a dividend trap, and how to avoid them. Save thousands of dollars in investing mistakes by avoiding dividend traps. Also covered in this podcast:

- What is dividend yield?
- What is the payout ratio?
- What is a dividend trap?
- Why stocks go "out of favor"
- The risks of investing in dividend traps
- How to avoid dividend traps

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Simply Investing Dividend Podcast Episode 9 - Interview with Ben Reynolds of Sure Dividend (part 2)

Episode 9: (Part 2) Dividend Investing Interview with Ben Reynolds of Sure Dividend

In this episode I continue my interview with Ben, the founder of We discuss dividend investing in today's economic climate. Also covered in this episode:

- What are the things Ben looks for when investing in dividend stocks
- How Ben focuses on risk and return
- What's wrong with dividend traps
- Our worst investments
- Using dividends as a margin of safety
- The importance of diversification
- How many stocks should you own
- Why Ben started Sure Dividend

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Simply Investing Dividend Podcast Episode 8 - Interview with Ben Reynolds of Sure Dividend (part 1)

Episode 8: (Part 1) Dividend Investing Interview with Ben Reynolds of Sure Dividend

In this episode I interview Ben, the founder of We discuss dividend investing in today's economic climate. Also covered in this episode:

- Why Ben started dividend investing
- Dividend aristocrats
- Ben's first investment in a mutual fund
- The impact of mutual fund fees
- The benefits of being a dividend investor
- Why you should stay invested in dividend stocks
- How Ben is investing today
- The downside of waiting to start investing

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